Tuesday, January 31, 2017

New Year's Resolutions

Everyone has been guilty of doing it at least one time in their life and everyone has been guilty of following them for some time and than just threw them out the window. Like those people who say this year I am going to the gym i am going to get fitter and have a toned body. They take a gym membership and actually go but as soon as they enter or as soon as the first muscle pain comes it is already not so great. Some go ones and than come home feeling good and proud of themselves but somehow after that one time they can't find the time to go again. So as a result they bought an expensive membership they went and now they feel guilty for not going and for wasting their money. Some actually make it through
January, but February is suddenly a lot harder, but they are proud that they at least tried and they think maybe next year i am gonna make it through February. This is just an example in my believe new years solutions are crap. People use it as a deadline like i can eat junk food all year but when the new year starts i am gonna eat healthy. No! That is not how it works if you want to get fitter than get of your ass and go to the gym, get fitter! If you want to eat healthy, do it now! Buy a cooking book and learn how you can use those healthy things called vegetables. Don't use the new year as an excuse to pros pone it because we all know it doesn't work. So a tip if you want something, or do something, or be a better person than just do it! Don't wait but go for it because before you know it you are old and you may regret stuff because you kept prospering it and never really did it.

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