Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Patras BABY

For the week-end of the carnival, the group of EVS volunteers had planned long in advance to go to Patras, as we were told it was the biggest carnival of all Greece. We booked a hostel, with the help of local volunteers, we rented a van and left Kalamata on Friday evening to see for ourselves if it really was the biggest party we had ever seen or not.
Well it was.
There were so many people in the city centre that the party was everywhere, and on Friday night we only had to get in the crowd to enjoy ourselves. On Saturday we watched the parade that was so huge it took a couple of hours to see everyone, and at some point we decided to get inside and run and dance with everybody.
During this week-end we had a glimpse of this great city that Patras seems to be and we met Greek, Dutch or Bulgarian people that were all gathering with the same goal as us: be a part of this awesome carnival.
Some of us were sick, some fell, some were cold during the night but one sure thing is that we all had an amazing time together.

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