Wednesday, January 30, 2019

My EVS Diary

by Petya Stoyanova

Dear not so secret diary,

I have been in Kalamata for nearly two weeks now. For sure it has been an adventure like no other! Time has passed by so fast, it still feels like it was only yesterday that I took the bus, dragging my huge suitcase around. But here I am now having discovered a new home, new family and a new passion.

Ahh, Aristomenus… It is said that there is no other place like home and I couldn’t agree more! Still, what is home? Is it the location, the house, the furniture? To me it is the people! And in a daze I found myself sharing my new home with a Nomad 5-stars chaff, Tea loving technician, Nerd fashionista, Extremely stubborn video making virtuoso, Book loving French, Funny socks lover and a Liverpool and piroshky’s fan. I will tell you that, there is no dull moment with my flatmates around!

Petya's first day at the dog shelter
Shortly after I arrived I went to visit the local dog shelter, where I will be volunteering during my EVS program. Never, NEVER have I ever had such a warm welcome before!!! Six hundred dogs all happy to see you and eager to play as well as kind and sweet volunteers waiting on the doorstep to greet you! Now that I have worked there for a week I can tell you it is one of the more rewarding thing I have ever done in my life! I am glad I had the opportunity to become part of the DASH family!

And here comes the crown jewel… Salsa, bachata and  so much more you can do right here in the youth center in Kalamata! Monday and Thursday started to become two of my favorite days in the week because I have the classes to look forward to. And that is the story of how this trip uncovered the hidden Latino passion I had in me!

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