Friday, January 18, 2019

Holidays - EVS way

It’s a bit hard to go back to work after holidays, all of the amazing food and relaxed moments with friends and family. Especially if you are an EVS volunteer living far away from home.

So, the holidays for us were everything but usual. We decided to throw a little celebration in the Youth Center as a reward of the successful period behind us. We had a Christmas dinner, spent some time together with nice music and good food (that we prepared by ourselves ^^), received nice presents from our Secret Santas.

We also had to say some goodbyes to friends who finished their EVS projects, but with a promise to meet again soon.
Thessaloniki coastline through the eye of an EVS
Then, all of us haven’t seen each other for a while.
Some went back home for holidays, some were exploring northern parts of Greece, and some stayed to experience the way Kalamata people celebrate holidays.

Traditional French cake through the belly :) of an EVS

All of us were full of stories to tell when we got together in January. 
And of course, full of inspiration New Year resolutions. Classical ones – eating healthier, spending less money, getting more sleep, reading more books. A bit unusual ones – creating medicines by ourselves, learning how to make natural toothpaste etc, but with a common goal of making our lives more enjoyable.

We have even dedicated a whole issue of the next LINK magazine to resolutions. So in case you got hooked to the resolution examples you just red, you’ll love it.  

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