Monday, April 16, 2018

First impressions of Kalamata

The gentle feeling of the refreshing breeze near the seaside. Like the touch of a little baby on your face. So light and yet so powerful. My first encounter with the sea. And then the mountain and its majesty. A tall creature standing proudly near the seaside. All of this is shared in between such a little distance! Kalamata. This city strangely combines contrasts. The bizzy and loud atmosphere of a big tourist city in the center and the relaxed quite villlage-like streets out of the center. I am in the middle of it and i get lost, lost... Sinking into this wide variety of feelings, smells, sounds, people. Where am I? What is this place? And the people? Then a bubble. A house - my new home. New colorful people that are living in this big houses. They are from all around Europe. French, italian, Spanish... My ears are dancing around different languages and catching different nuances of words and voices. And there is a voice in me that asks so many questions. Why am i here? What is to be?
When i was waiting for the bus to Kalamata in Athens, two ladies set down next to me. They greeted me in Greek. I didn't understand it but i was sure that this was a greeting by the way they did it. I was silent, just smiled. Then it was time for my bus so i stood up to go and I just nooded my head to say bye. They did it also in return. Sinchronically. Such funny greek people. Friendly and open they seems. A guy in the shop asks where I come from, a guy on the beach also. They want to know. I also want to know more about this place and its energy. So what is to be....

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