I will leave soon,
And I prepared this video for every sweeties to remember,
........ those "shit lots of things" we have done!
Credits (as appearances, in my life)
Godparents of this experience:
K.A.NE, Filaretos, Jelena, Fotini and Vyron, and our beauty Greek Teacher Nantiana
The Psychologist μου, Magda
The Grandchild, Oskar
My "Mentor for Life" mentor, Vassiliki
"Found a Job In Greece Now" Group, especially Armaggedon μου, Armağan
The Bitchouse Community:
First Roomie, Rosa
Sweet Dory, Sara
Green Haired, Tea
Sexy Make-up Artist, Martyna
Orusbuçucuuu, Aroa
Whole French community with their usual names in Fhhheehnnchh accent:
Looking like Japanese but Spanish French Laura,
Our adventurist Trauma, Arthur
The Original, Marjolene
The Evil Queen, Renee
Hippi Mippi Indie, Molly
LookingLikeAWhore, EEEEeeespeanish OH, Oka
The Voice, Arora
And new guys joined us recently (wish we had more moments!)
Yanni, Anna, Joanna, Tunisian Couple Mariam - Sofiene, Mehdi
My all friends visited me (Budim, Gogo, Aycan, Ablağğğm)
Trainers who furnished us with inspirational ideas:
All Konstantinos' Spatiotis/Stergiou, Eva, Argyris
All lifetime friends I have gained here and during my visits:
Kalamata crew: Mirto, Penuşka Penny, Olga, Eirini, Sofie, Sofia, Evi, Fouli, Panagiota, Xara, All Nikos' , Kostas' , and Dimitris' (Many of them :D), Vladmir, Spiros, Croatian Jelena, Vy
During visits and trainings, shown appearance in this video,
Alex, Natalia, Ahmet, Burcu, Burhan, Athina
And many more,
Lav ya.

I will leave soon,
And I prepared this video for every sweeties to remember,
........ those "shit lots of things" we have done!
Credits (as appearances, in my life)
Godparents of this experience:
K.A.NE, Filaretos, Jelena, Fotini and Vyron, and our beauty Greek Teacher Nantiana
The Psychologist μου, Magda
The Grandchild, Oskar
My "Mentor for Life" mentor, Vassiliki
"Found a Job In Greece Now" Group, especially Armaggedon μου, Armağan
The Bitchouse Community:
First Roomie, Rosa
Sweet Dory, Sara
Green Haired, Tea
Sexy Make-up Artist, Martyna
Orusbuçucuuu, Aroa
Whole French community with their usual names in Fhhheehnnchh accent:
Looking like Japanese but Spanish French Laura,
Our adventurist Trauma, Arthur
The Original, Marjolene
The Evil Queen, Renee
Hippi Mippi Indie, Molly
LookingLikeAWhore, EEEEeeespeanish OH, Oka
The Voice, Arora
And new guys joined us recently (wish we had more moments!)
Yanni, Anna, Joanna, Tunisian Couple Mariam - Sofiene, Mehdi
My all friends visited me (Budim, Gogo, Aycan, Ablağğğm)
Trainers who furnished us with inspirational ideas:
All Konstantinos' Spatiotis/Stergiou, Eva, Argyris
All lifetime friends I have gained here and during my visits:
Kalamata crew: Mirto, Penuşka Penny, Olga, Eirini, Sofie, Sofia, Evi, Fouli, Panagiota, Xara, All Nikos' , Kostas' , and Dimitris' (Many of them :D), Vladmir, Spiros, Croatian Jelena, Vy
During visits and trainings, shown appearance in this video,
Alex, Natalia, Ahmet, Burcu, Burhan, Athina
And many more,
Lav ya.