Wednesday, August 7, 2013

EVS year though volunteers eyes

Our volunteers have managed to capture their year in Kalamata to video. Here is what they say about it! It's a bit more artistic & we hope you will enjoy it!

Let us briefly explain what is this video-artistic conception all about... ! 
During EVS time all of us are feeling, living through various amount of emotions, situations, periods and so does the idea to create something abstractive enough & still easy to understand and free for interpretation appeared!
It is a stream through-out the EVS daily life with a main pressure point on how "myself" deals with new surrounding, challenges, difficulties, negative/positive aspects, small details, big standpoints, different values, various issues, etc ... !

We wish to thank all our EVS fellows we have met during this time, mentors, locals, our coordinators Fotini and Filaretos and there are many more who are worth the credit! THANK YOU!

So enjoy the video and we hope You will like it!!!

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